130 theatres throughout Italy and Europe are joining Marco Paolini to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Vajont tragedy.
In all this, Michele Gazich will also bring his violin:

Mon 9 October 2023, 20:45
at the Villa dei Leoni Theatre in Mira (Venice).

VajontS 23 in Mira - choral action of civil theatre.
One tale, one hundred tales of water and the future.


Michele Gazich on tour with Moni Ovadia in the historic show Oylem Goylem.
First three dates 10, 11 and 12 November at the Teatro San Ferdinando in Naples:


More dates: 
Friday 17th November - SAN GIOVANNI IN PERSICETO, 9 pm
Teatro Comunale: Corso Italia, 72, 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)

Saturda 18th November – BAGNOLO IN PIANO, 9 pm
Teatro Ilva Ligabue: Garibaldi, 2, 42011 Bagnolo in Piano RE


Order or listen to the
latest album now!

Argon, Michele Gazich's latest album, will be officially released on November 26th.
You can order or listen to it on the main online platforms



Order or listen to the
latest album now!

Argon, Michele Gazich's latest album, will be officially released on November 26th.
You can order or litsen to it on the main online platforms


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